September 14 - October 22, 2016

Including works by José de Creeft, Joanne Dugan, Yvonne Estrada, Richard Fleischner,
 Oliver Gagliani, Yun Gee,  Tara Geer, Judy Glantzman, Lorrie Goulet,
 Jacqueline Gourevitch, André Gregory, Peter Heywood,
 Virva Hinnemo, Marc Hom, Kenneth Josephson, Frederick Kiesler
, Lee Krasner, Kathleen Kucka, Nick Lamia, Jungjin Lee, 
Christiane Löhr, Lisbeth McCoy, Robert Motherwell, Keiko Narahashi,
 Victoria Neel, George Negroponte, Jackson Pollock, Ryan Sawyer,
 Hunt Slonem, Bob Thompson, Joan Witek, and Tamara Zahaykevich.


Black & White: Modern and Contemporary Positions, Installation view at Jason McCoy Gallery, 2016.

Black & White: Modern and Contemporary Positions, Installation view at Jason McCoy Gallery, 2016.

Black & White: Modern and Contemporary Positions, Installation view at Jason McCoy Gallery, 2016.

Black & White: Modern and Contemporary Positions, Installation view at Jason McCoy Gallery, 2016.

Black & White: Modern and Contemporary Positions, Installation view at Jason McCoy Gallery, 2016.

Black & White: Modern and Contemporary Positions, Installation view at Jason McCoy Gallery, 2016.

Black & White: Modern and Contemporary Positions, Installation view at Jason McCoy Gallery, 2016.

Black & White: Modern and Contemporary Positions, Installation view at Jason McCoy Gallery, 2016.

Black & White: Modern and Contemporary Positions, Installation view at Jason McCoy Gallery, 2016.

Black & White: Modern and Contemporary Positions, Installation view at Jason McCoy Gallery, 2016.